Friday, April 30, 2010

Too big to fail...redux

FOXNEWS made a point to show how not a single company, which has gone through hearings the way Goldman Sachs is, has ever survived...
So, I have a question.
What happens if Goldman Sachs goes bankrupt because of these hearings/indictments? Do they just get bailed out again? Wouldn't it, by the very reasoning behind the initial bailout, require Goldman Sachs to be bailed out once more?
This is one of the handful of companies which CANNOT be allowed to fold, right?

Clearly, as both Presidents Bush and Obama believe, G.S. is too big to fail (and I still am not sure what that actually means).
Does the world fall into some newly formed black hole? Do planes start falling from the sky like large metallic hailstones? Does that wake the anti-Christ? and the world will go on.

Nothing is too big to fail...not men, not companies, not even countries.

Life doesn't work that way, so why should a person's money? A man can take care of himself, exercise daily, eat all the proper foods and be set to live until he is 120 years old. Then, one day, as he is crossing the street...he is hit by a car. It may have been an accident. There may have been a glare on the window which disrupted the driver's view. The driver could have been drunk or even been trying to get away with a doesn't matter. All the planning and care the man took to make his life long and meaningless. He ends up dying a few years later as a crippled shell of the person he once planned to be.

People have forgotten that investments, savings, pensions, and even employment are a gamble. They are either betting their money will be safe with some institution or that an institution will be around (and viable) when it comes time to collect. Some are safer than others...but sometimes you get hit by a car.

A man dies, and so in time, must a company...let them.

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