The Tea Party is said to be based on the "founding principles" of this nation....hmmm...
With that in mind, I've been wondering how the Tea Party has been able to fool so many people.
They have made many believe, that in a desire to protest, there are vast Republican hoards and countless awakening Conservatives. They have made the case,that somehow, the scruffy faced man wearing a Rebel Flag, is far more patriotic than any liberal leaning slug...right?
How has the TP convinced some rather smart and well-spoken individuals (many I think of as friends...even family) that their extreme views are commonly held with others? How, then, are we not on the verge of a pandemic-like ink shortage from all the signs and posters waiting and wanting to be printed?
To understand the Tea Party's methods, we must go back to the "time" from which our tea-bagging friends draw their name. Why?
You see, this has happened before. Tomfoolery is a common American practice.
In 1776, or around that time, General Israel Putnam pulled off a fantastic hoax against the British...maybe the best of all time. He allowed a British soldier to come into Princeton to take the dying testament of a captured comrade. Knowing this soldier was coming from far superior force and would undoubtedly report on Putnam's strength to the British, a plan was hatched. The general only allowed the Red Coat to arrive at night. Candles were lit in every window, so it seemed that the nearly empty town was full. Then, as the dying man dictated his final words, Putnam had his men march by the windows of the home where the two men were meeting. Putnam marched the soldiers in groups of 10, 25, 30, 20....he regrouped the men and did it again in various other numerical configurations. He did this all night, as long as the two were together. Before dawn, Putnam made sure the soldier was escorted out of town.
When the soldier returned to the British camp, he told the commander that Putnam had an army of 4000 men and Princeton should be avoided at all actuality, Putnam only had 50.
Thus is the scam of the Tea Party. There are far, FAR, more single and small amount donors to DNC than to the RNC or the Tea Party.
However, the Tea Party/RNC has done a "Putnam." They parade groups of people, often the same ones, in front of cameras and in pictures. They give the appearance of a much larger mass of people than there actually is. 50% of the money the Tea Party has gotten, has come from just a handful of businesses. Over $10 million of the $15 million Carl Rove's group has taken in over the past 6 weeks has come from 4 guys...That's about as "grass roots" as my nose hairs.
Glenn "Putnam" Beck said there was almost 2 million people at his march in DC...but the DC police said it was closer to 80,000....does that sound familiar?
Were it not for the fact they are fooling Americans and not the British, I would say General Putnam would be rather proud of all the Conservative tea-bagging going on.
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