A blaring alarm and flashing blood-red sign should be seen in the minds of all intellectual people, when they stop to think the Tea Party believes Christine O'Donnell is the best candidate in all of Delaware.
Not only that, they believe she is one of top 100 people in all of America...out of 310 million... who should be making legislative decisions. In the entire country, she ranks in the top 99.999999998%.
Understand what an insult that is, not only to every American, but to humanity.
1. Christine O'Donnell is in favor of "tort reform." Yet...YET...for her "pain and suffering," she sued a former employer for $6.9 million.
How much suffering does a person have to go through to get 7 million bucks? Hey, you know what? Bring on the rich sadists...give it to me, baby!
2. She doesn't believe in life-saving stem cell research.
3. She says she has read "TOP SECRET" information which reports China is plotting to take over the US...forgetting she has never been in a position of security/authority where information like this would have even passed her in an adjoining building.
4. She said scientists have created mice with functioning human brains....how big are the heads on these rats?
5. She is completely clueless as to where the idea of "Separation of Church and State" originates.
Chris Coons and O'Donnell were having a debate at a law school. When Chris Coons recited the 1st Amendment to her, she questioned him saying, "That's in the 1st Amendment?"
The audience laughed...no, more accurately, the audience erupted with laughter.
To cover her obvious ignorance, she said, "Senators are not required to memorize the Constitution."
...No, indeed, they are not. BUT THEY SHOULD HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT IS IN IT!!!
6. Christine O'Donnell believes that all of science is wrong and that the Earth is only 6000 years old. With that in mind, she thinks Creationism should be taught in schools.
I guess she thinks God wanted the Bible to be some sort of Science text book.
7. ...do I need to go on? Because I can...for days.
Here is the thing. Christine O'Donnell is not some aberration. She is a working model of how many (if not most) Tea Party folks see the world. They act from emotion, rather than reason. They believe something is being taken away from them, but cannot articulate specifics or deny the true factual rebuttals. They see conspiratorial minds plotting American demise and fulfilling infinitely elaborate schemes. They believe the government is run by secret societies, then are angered because a younger generation (which could never be informed) exercised its political might last election.
My friends...and family, you are smarter than this. Do not vote out of anger. Stop and think about what it is you actually want.
Think about how Joe Miller and Mike Lee (to name just two of many) want to repeal the 17th Amendment (which calls for the direct election of Senators by the People). They want you to vote them into office, only to make sure you can never have another say.
Rand Paul wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act because it interferes with a business owner's right to discriminate.
Marco Rubio thinks the retirement age should be raised and part of your Social Security money should go to investments on Wall Street...that sounds safe, huh?
Sharon Angle thinks those evil "Mexicans" are coming to America to take jobs...then join gangs. I guess, the latter is to make sure they kill off the rest of the working Whites.
I ask you to ask yourself this...
Is the person I am voting for capable of understanding the ramifications, both now and in the future, of the policies they create? Are the policies they want to make, good for the country, or good for them? Can I overlook the extreme views this person holds?
More simply...can I, with the only vote I get, endorse this person and feel comfortable with the future of America?
Before you answer that...Remember, if the 17th Amendment is repealed, it may be the last shot you ever get.
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