Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have neglected my blog...

Dear Blog,

I have been away from you for a long time and I am sorry. I know you are not a dog or cat or some other animal I must feed, because you are still here. Had you been a creature of that sort you would be quite dead and rather smelly...maybe even carted away by a nasty bird or hungry raccoon. For this, I am glad you are not alive, my loving Blog.
I hope you forgive me, dear Blog, and trust I have not been cheating on you. I have not been out writing on walls or bathroom stalls. I haven't been penning things to paper as a way to avoid you. I don't intend to break up with you...I have just been away.
In the coming days, I will be sure to get back with you. I have many things to share and I know you will be always ready to publish them as faithfully as ever.

I will dream of you tonight, my Blog...and blog myself to sleep.

1 comment:

Ed / Freedom said...


Check your email - ATS name